Understanding VAT Deregistration in the UAE: Guidelines and Procedures


With the implementation of VAT in the UAE, businesses are increasingly aware of the significance of VAT registration with the Federal Tax Authority (FTA). However, VAT deregistration is equally crucial but often overlooked. In this comprehensive guide, we delve into the process, eligibility criteria, and procedures for VAT deregistration in the UAE, ensuring businesses have a thorough understanding to avoid penalties and streamline their compliance efforts.

What is VAT Deregistration?

VAT deregistration involves the cancellation of VAT registration with the Federal Tax Authority by registered businesses. This process becomes essential when a business ceases its operations or no longer meets the requirements for VAT registration. Timely application for VAT deregistration is imperative to avoid penalties, with businesses required to apply within 20 working days of becoming eligible for deregistration, failing which may result in a penalty of AED 10,000.

Eligibility for VAT Deregistration:

Businesses that no longer make taxable supplies can apply for VAT deregistration with the FTA. Additionally, voluntary deregistration is an option for businesses whose taxable supplies fall below the prescribed threshold. According to FTA guidelines, there are two types of VAT deregistration: voluntary and mandatory.

Mandatory VAT-Deregistration:

Businesses become eligible for mandatory VAT deregistration when their taxable supplies fall below the voluntary registration threshold. In such cases, businesses are obligated to apply for VAT deregistration.

Voluntary VAT Deregistration:

Businesses can opt for voluntary VAT deregistration if their taxable supplies exceed the voluntary registration threshold but are below the compulsory registration threshold.

How to Apply for VAT Deregistration in the UAE:

Businesses seeking VAT deregistration must submit an application to the FTA along with the necessary details and reasons for deregistration. The FTA verifies the application and reasons provided, and upon validation, approves the voluntary deregistration. Additionally, the FTA checks the status of returns, outstanding tax payments, and any pending penalties before granting final approval.

VAT Deregistration for VAT Groups:

The criteria for VAT deregistration of VAT groups align with those for individual taxable entities. However, specific rules apply to VAT groups, including conditions for deregistration if the group no longer meets the criteria or if constituent companies are no longer financially related. Deregistration may also be granted if the FTA determines that the tax status of the group may lead to evasion.

Benefits of Consulting VAT Experts in the UAE:

Navigating VAT deregistration procedures can be complex, and businesses may benefit from the expertise of VAT consultancy firms like SimplySolved. As proficient VAT service providers, SimplySolved offers a range of services including VAT registration, filing of VAT returns, and VAT deregistration. Their experienced tax consultants ensure timely completion of VAT-related requirements, helping businesses avoid penalties and conduct operations with peace of mind.


Understanding VAT deregistration is crucial for businesses operating in the UAE to comply with regulatory requirements and avoid penalties. By adhering to eligibility criteria and following the prescribed procedures, businesses can streamline the deregistration process. Consulting reputable VAT service providers like SimplySolved further facilitates compliance and ensures efficient handling of VAT-related obligations, enabling businesses to focus on their core operations.
